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In oak wood, Curry  brings to life current trends.

The frame is made from solid knotted oak and features an original natural finish. The character of the wood is the force and beauty behind this kitchen. The knots and visible grain mark its unmistakeable identity. It is available in a coloured version too and the grain and knots still remain visible behind the  chosen shade.


Doors and front panels covered with non-toxic, recyclable thermoplastic resin (P.E.T.), with a soft silky finish. Mat colours Zucchero and Cappuccino. Plenty of cabinets and accessories for countless combinations and real life projects, developed in unique, highly personalised spaces and places.

design kitchen 2.1

Свобода и креативност
Иновативни материали и текстури.Кухненската система 2.1 използва за врати и панели материали с иновативни технически и естетически характеристики, осигуряващи висока устойчивост на надраскване и лесни за почистване.2.1 дава на дизайнера цялостен и ефективен индустриален продукт, отговарящ на множество функционално-естетически искания, създавайки уникални пространства и проекти.

design kitchen 3.1

Кухненски системи 3.1 използват иновативни материали като Fenix NTM, tecnomalta и стъкло.

Fenix NTM е материал направен по нова нано технология. Абревиатурата NTM, означава Nano Tech Matt, термопластични смоли, които придават на повърхността на материала матов вид, отличаващ се с мека кадифеност и минимално отражение на светлината.Fenix NTM е лесен за поддръжка и почистване, не задържа вода и е изключително устойчив на мухъл, той е непримирим срещу мръсотията,отпечатъците от пръсти и драскотините.Отличава се с антибактериални своиства.Материал на бъдещето.

design kitchen 4.1

Технологичните иновации и архитектурният дизайн представляват все по -тесен съюз.

Вътрешната конструкция на вратата в кухненска система 4.1 е от алуминий,който може да бъде облицован с дървена повърхност или да е лакирана.

За система 4.1 са характерни – Foomo окачени вертикални или хоризонтални отворени елементи H. 1400 мм в дъбово покритие Innato Chiaro, горни и долни отделения със задна подсветка, централно отделение, предназначено за поставяне на домакински уреди.


Frame: metal
Armrest: polyester fiber
Cover completely removable
Net: 3 section metal with wood slats
Mattress: polyurethane foam 165-145-85 x 195 h.12
Height seat: cm 40

trasformable cm 165
trasformable cm 145
trasformable cm 85


Frame: solid wood , polyurethane foam cover with polyester fiber
Cover completely removable
NOT COMPATIBLE with bedframe H-L-Q-M-G


Structure: In metal covered with polyurethane foam and bonded interliner.

Removable: Completely removable

Seat height: 42 cm.



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.


ESSENZA, gives shape to glass in order to convey light

Essenza’s ampoules reflect and amplify the ambient light, creating delicate, undefined, crepuscular lighting effects.

Light and shadows are projected outwards according to the rules of refraction, generating horizontal and vertical lines on the surrounding surfaces that describe and represent the orientation of the glass from which they derive.

Produced in several versions, this lamp has a simple and contemporary shape that allows it to easily relate to wherever it is installed, whether on or off.


Frame: solid wood lined with velvet fabric and elastic straps for seat support
Seat and back: polyurethane foam and mixed feather lined with cotton fabric
Cover completely removable
Chrome feet
Hight of seat: cm 42


Frame: solid wood lined with velvet fabric.
Seat and back: polyurethane foam and polyester fibers
Cover: completely removable
Hight of seat: cm 47
Dimensioni (LxHxW): 73x120x91 cm


Structure: in solid wood, fixed with iron elements at the corners.

Removable cover: Completely removable


Structure: In plywood covered with polyurethane foam and coupled velvet.

Removable: Completely removable

Seat height: 39 cm.


Structure: in solid wood, fixed with iron elements at the corners.

Removable cover: Completely removable


Structure: in solid wood and agglomerate covered in coupled velveteen

Seat support: interwoven elastic straps

Padding: in polyurethane foam and polyester fiber

Removable cover: completely removable